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DRTV success for CLIC Sargent

This past year has been difficult for everyone – but it’s been especially fraught for children and families coping with cancer. As the majority of us are encouraged to embrace the new normal, immunocompromised children and young people with cancer face a frightening and uncertain future. Right now, they need the expertise and support of charities more than ever.

However, these charities’ resources are being stretched to the limit as they struggle to fill funding gaps. Having lost a devastating £9 million in income during the pandemic, our client CLIC Sargent urgently needed to find new donors to support their vital work. With so many of us house (and sofa) bound, DRTV was a clear solution to the predicament.

Creating DRTV in lockdown

Creating a new DRTV ad in lockdown presented many unique challenges. With budgets already stretched and peak lockdown in place, the possibility of filming anything new was out of the question.

Having run a Social Media Labs campaign with CLIC Sargent earlier in the year, we were able to draw on our learnings and use the most successful video footage to create a new DRTV ad.

We had previously used Social Medial Labs to uncover the strongest fundraising proposition by testing a suite of creative executions. We then took the most successful footage and created our DRTV ad around it, reducing the risk for the client at a moment when stakes were high and budgets were precious. We then worked alongside our partners Middlechild to write, produce and take the ad to air in just over a week.

The DRTV results so far

The ad is performing particularly well and is driving new support across SMS, phone and online, securing thousands in additional income for the charity. The ROI has smashed target and the CPA is significantly lower than what was planned.

Using Social Media Labs to test DRTV concepts

Many charities shy away from DRTV as an income stream because it’s often seen as a high investment gamble, with a lot to lose if ads don’t achieve the necessary results. However, by using social media to try out new concepts, we can create a minimal viable product and test which proposition works best with our audiences. This initial learning phase can save charities a lot in the long-term and make DRTV more accessible to differing budgets.

CLIC Sargent and Children’s Cancer Awareness Month

For Children’s Cancer Awareness Month, we’d like to shine a light on CLIC Sargent and how they’ve adapted their services to help support some of the most vulnerable children and families during the pandemic. Over the past year, they’ve continued to provide frontline support to the NHS at a time where cancer care has been severely affected by the pandemic.

With the oncoming cancer crisis in the wake of the pandemic, the services of CLIC Sargent are going to be more important than ever before. If you’d like to donate to CLIC Sargent to help support vulnerable children with cancer, you can do so here.

Watch the ad here:

About 11 London

11 London is an advertising and communications agency, based in West London. We work in the areas of health and humanity - with organisations, brands or products that improve or prolong life. To learn more about 11 London, please contact:


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